Published on June 15, 2007 By Mialicious In Skinning
Hallo All!
Im new to this place, and I love all the themes (extremely good work, Im impressed!)
I need a bit of help, and I was wondering if you guys could maybe help a newbie out! Im looking for skins with that little cute penguin, I dont know its name or anything, I just think it's so darn cute, and I really wanna skin with it. But what do I search for to find those themes? Anyone knows where I can find it?
Thx for your attention.
/Mia, Denmark
on Jun 15, 2007
I'm going to take a guess and assume you are talking about "Tux".  This is what came up in a gallery search, is this what you are looking for?

on Jun 15, 2007
yes thats him! Thank you! You dont know where I can find any other blind? Since there's only one theme among the results:(
thx again!
on Jun 15, 2007
i haven't found tux windowblinds but many Tux so maybe you will happy with this site if you don't know it already CrystalXP
on Jun 15, 2007

yes thats him! Thank you! You dont know where I can find any other blind? Since there's only one theme among the results:(
thx again!

I'm not familiar with any other ones, but maybe someone else here might know of one.

on Jun 29, 2007
Here's a theme I have with the "cute" little penguin in the start bar and other places:

WWW Link

You can't see it in the preview, but you have to download it.

Hope it helps,
on Jun 30, 2007
If you search Google Images you will find thousands of Tux images.
on Jun 30, 2007
there is a WB skin for tux. Just look for it here at WC. TUX-Ico.